NeuschwansteinJan 10, 2018

The best views in Bavaria: to Neuschwanstein with Google

For the start of our #bytevaria Best Perspectives campaign, we were at probably one of the best known and most beautiful places in Bavaria: Neuschwanstein Castle. And although this Bavarian tourist attraction is a real feast for the eyes, we were there for more than just sightseeing. In our campaign, we want to show what makes Bavaria: the combination of extraordinary flair and successful companies.

In #bytevaria Best Perspectives, we want to present companies and their success stories in Bavaria. It's all about their unique perspectives on the free state – not just from an economic point of view, but also in terms of culture. And what could be better for this than a trip to one of the best-known Bavarian landmarks? Not only does the area around the castle symbolise the dynamism and perspectives which Bavaria has; the castle itself was also considered, in its day, to be one of the most innovative and creative buildings around and therefore suits our first conversation partner down to the ground: with its engineering centre, Google also stands for particular creativity and innovation in Munich

Neuschwanstein Castle as a special location

By the way, Neuschwanstein is something very special as a shooting location. It is a listed building, which presented a few challenged for our film team. Only a few film teams are allowed to shoot there, and most of them are documentary filmmakers. In addition, you run into so many visitors at Neuschwanstein that we did our shooting in the evening, which afforded us a glorious sunset!

In order to show Neuschwanstein Castle in its full splendour and, in particular, from a previously unknown perspective, our film team put an octocopter into the air. The loud noise – this octocopter sounds almost like a real helicopter – caused worried local residents to call the police. But of course, we were able to show the license from the appropriate aviation office required to fly it, so that we could continue filming and the police could marvel at the technology. Wieland Holfelder, the leading man in our campaign film and Head of Development at Google Germany in real life, was impressed by the drone and was always looking at the technical equipment in the breaks in shooting. Although the drone was not allowed to fly too close to the ancient walls of the castle owing to its listed status, we were ultimately able to get some breathtaking footage – but it is best if you see for yourself.

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