Digital EconomyDec 3, 2020

Quantum technology in Bavaria: this promising field is being promoted more intensively

Quantum technology is once again at the forefront of Bavaria’s HighTech Agenda. In order to support the promotion of this promising technology, 60 million euros are earmarked for both 2021 and 2022 respectively in the Bavarian state budget. Bavaria already benefits from its expertise and experience in this field: many companies and research institutions are already working on quantum technology and its application.

At a round table discussion on quantum technology in Bavaria within the framework of the already agreed HighTech Agenda Bayern on 27 October 2020, Digital Minister Judith Gerlach expressed her views: “What matters now is that we use a clever strategy to translate the expertise already available in Bavaria into concrete value added and projects”.

A roadmap to the future – QuantenTech Vision Bayern

Research into quantum technologies and their application is in full swing in Bavaria. The Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and Fraunhofer Gesellschaft together with International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) are already actively engaged in research, specifically in the area of quantum computing. In the next few years, Bavaria is to establish itself as a leading location for quantum technology – a key driver of cross-industry innovation.


To mark the occasion, Digital Minister Judith Gerlach, Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger and Science Minister Bernd Sibler developed "QuantenTech Vision Bayern" together with representatives from universities, research institutions and industry. Bayern Innovativ is developing this roadmap in cooperation with experts from various sectors on behalf of the ministeries. It serves to transfer Bavaria’s excellent position in research into creating industrial value. The focus is on five areas:

  • Quantum computing
  • Quantum software/algorithms
  • Quantum communication
  • Quantum sensor technology/metrology
  • Fundamentals of quantum technolog

The networking of the various Bavarian players and clusters in the working groups as well as the financial support will expand the existing ecosystem in the field of quantum computing for efficient cooperation between research and industry.

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