University May 14, 2014

Deggendorf in full bloom

Everything is blooming in Deggendorf, and not just the flowers at the State Garden Show – ideas and innovations are thriving here too. At the Innovations Technologie Campus Deggendorf (I@TC), innovative and technology-orientated companies will find not only space and infrastructure, but also close contact to Deggendorf Institute of Technology.

'Technology transfer' is the somewhat vague term that describes the direct exchange between research and application, between theory and practice, that has established itself in Germany. Science and business work together and complement one another to the benefit of both sides – a real win-win situation both for companies and for universities such as Deggendorf Institute of Technology. One current example of applied research at Deggendorf Institute of Technology is the "Theatiner Project", in which evangelical figures from Munich's Theatinerkirche that suffered fire damage in the Second World War are being recreated in the 3D laboratory. And Deggendorf Institute of Technology, or the Technologiecampus Freyung to be precise, is doing its bit for flood protection too: using remote sensor equipment, it is possible to tell from an unmanned octocopter whether a dyke will continue to withstand the water or whether its core is already soaked through (link). Cooperation like this is helpful not only for established companies, but especially for start-ups that do not yet have their own research capacities.

Commercial parks and business incubators are an excellent opportunity for start-ups to test out a business idea without having to invest in their own research laboratories or real estate first. They allow companies to share useful facilities such as conference rooms or telephone switchboards, therefore saving costs. The Innovations Technologie Campus Deggendorf (I@TC) is an example of this kind of commercial park and business incubator, with a particular focus on technology-orientated companies. They have access to a total area of 12,400 m² and the chance to take part in direct technology transfer with Deggendorf Institute of Technology.

The disastrous flooding of June 2013 was a dramatic event that had a huge impact on the entire region, so it is even more exciting to see nature blooming and flowers springing up once again at the State Garden Show – just like the ideas at Deggendorf Institute of Technology and the technical innovations at the I@TC!

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