Living in Bavaria means exploring, getting to know and experiencing the state's culture. It is much richer and more colourful than any of the clichés, and includes the communities which we introduce here. In Bavaria, there is no need for anyone to deny their cultural roots. Living in Bavaria is living in variety. Whatever information you need – be it the nearest international school, language courses or questions on your neighbourhood – in Bavaria's international communities you will quickly find answers to your questions and friendship with like-minded people. We are also happy to invite you to suggest more or different international communities – we are always open for something new.
Invest in Bavaria – our own community on Xing
Click here
The Chinese-Bavarian community is growing all the time. On the pages below, those interested can find tips for current events, news and information on cultural and economic exchange. (DE)
Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für China
The sheer diversity of Franco-Bavarian relations can be seen in the numerous institutions and societies in a range of fields, such as business, culture and education, that make it easier for French citizens to settle in to life in Bavaria and bring France a little closer to Bavaria. Here is a selection:
French Consulate General in Munich
Deutsch-Französischer Wirtschaftsclub in Bavaria (Franco-German Business Club in Bavaria)
Deutsch-Französisches Institut Erlangen
Institut français Munich
BayFrance (Bayerisch-Französisches Hochschulzentrum)
Lycée français Jean Renoir
Verein Munich Accueil
Xing: Groupe Franco-Allemand de Bavière, Table Ronde Munich
Even more (German-)French stakeholders in Bavaria
Website "Vivre à Munich" for French Expats, Frankophiles and French-speaking visitors to Munich
Bavaria is home to around 7,000 Indian citizens (2011). In order to promote the community and cultural and economic exchange, the most important links to the Indian-Bavarian networks are listed below:
The Indian Institute in Munich
Bavarian-Indian Centre
Japan and Bavaria are connected by a close-knit cultural and economic community. The list below offers a selection of links for Japanese citizens in Bavaria, with a selection of events, special service providers and cultural points of contact.
Japanese General Consulate in Munich
Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft in Bayern e.V.
Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft für Nordbayern e.V.
Japan Club Munich
Japanisches Institut in München e.V.
Deutsch-Japanisches Forum Würzburg
Forum Bayern-Polen e.V.
This society promotes economic, cultural and social cooperation between Bavaria and Poland.
The Deutsch-Polnische Gesellschaft München e.V. is a point of information and contact intended to maintain German-Polish relations.
Xing group “Russisch in München” for native speakers and lovers of the Russian language and culture. Also offers offline meetings and events participated in by tourists and business travellers from the countries of origin.
balkaNet e.V. is a forum for culture and science from south-eastern Europe.
As an umbrella association, the Türkische Gemeinde in Bayern e.V. brings together the interests of Turkish societies in Bavaria.