Our services for you

Invest in Bavaria helps you with your search for suitable commercial premises. As the business development agency for the State of Bavaria we maintain close contacts with local business promoters and are therefore well informed about vacant commercial premises throughout Bavaria that cannot be found on standard property websites. In addition, we assist you with other services for your project and/or the establishment of your company in Bavaria.

Your advantages

•    We help you find a suitable location in Bavaria.
•    We show you suitable locations free of charge.
•    We assist you in establishing the right contacts to complete your project.
•    We coordinate meetings with the responsible people for you.
•    Our service is free, confidential and you can make use of it at any time without any obligation.

An initial selection

There are vacant commercial premises throughout Bavaria. We have compiled an initial selection of two sites for you here.

•   InterFranken Industrial Park – A 6 / A 7 motorway junction: commercial area near Feuchtwangen/Crailsheim
•   Commercial area Thiersheim-Wunsiedel: commercial area right next to the A 93 motorway

InterFranken Industrial Park – A 6 / A 7 motorway junction

The InterFranken industrial park, with an area of around 81 hectares, is located in the area of the A 6 / A 7 motorway junction (Feuchtwangen/Crailsheim) and offers attractive sites for industry and logistics. The metropolitan areas of Nuremberg-Fürth-Erlangen, Stuttgart-Heilbronn and Munich can be reached excellently from here:


  • At the A 6 / A 7 motorway junction, own junction to the BAB 7 in the pipeline
  • Industrial trunk line link to the main Nuremberg-Stuttgart railway line and direct S-Bahn stop in the pipeline 
  • 810,000 m² available in total
  • Plot plans from 50,000 m²
  • Development plan pending

Industriepark InterFranken

Commercial area Thiersheim – Wunsiedel (eastern part)


A commercial area cannot be more conveniently situated than this: benefit from direct links to the A 93. You can find a perfect transport infrastructure at affordable prices here in the Wunsiedel district.

  • 163.000 m² available
  • located in the C-development area of GRW (regional assistance programme)
  • international airports: Leipzig, Nuremberg, Prague
  • direct connection to motorway A 93
  • available as of now
  • legally-binding development plan

Portfolio "am Plaerrer"

Proven location

Established companies opt for the State of Bavaria as a promising business location every day. The efficient transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructure, leading research and science institutions and targeted support for innovation and all relevant key technologies provide the very best basic conditions. That is why global players feel just as at home in Bavaria as numerous small and medium-sized enterprises. Become part of the Bavarian business landscape – we look forward to welcoming you!

We are looking forward to getting in touch with you.

* 必須項目