
Gründungsradar 2016: double Gold for the Bavarian capital

The Stifterverband, a collaboration to promote German science, published its annual study on foundation initiatives (Gründungsradar) at German universities of applied sciences and universities on 20 February. Good news for Bavaria: two Munich universities of applied sciences shared first place in 2016.

Following a year-long battle for first place, the result of the “Gründungsradar 2016” was twice as pleasing as the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and University of Applied Sciences Munich (HM) have the honour of sharing the coveted place this year. They were chosen as the leaders in the study with the same number of points. This study ranks the achievements of almost 200 German universities of applied sciences and universities with regard to their promotion of company foundations. Besides the winners of the study, several other Bavarian universities and universities of applied sciences were among the top ranked. For example, the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg was delighted with tenth place in the ranking of large universities of applied sciences. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München was also among the top 25 in this category. The University of Bayreuth, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, University of Applied Management Erding and Universität der Bundeswehr München were honoured with outstanding rankings in the medium and small-sized universities of applied sciences.

Nicolai Schneider / Hochschule München

The participating universities of applied sciences and universities were evaluated using four assessment categories: establishment of foundation principles, foundation awareness, foundation support and foundation activities. What was thus important for the ranking included the extent of institutional integration, the university of applied sciences’ support for founders and to what degree the universities of applied sciences generate foundations.

The best support for success

The result: Bavarian universities of applied sciences and first and foremost the two Munich award winners provide students with an ideal stepping stone towards independence.

The foundation centre at the University of Applied Sciences Munich Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE) provides a successful basis for company foundations, according to the President of HM, Prof Dr Martin Leitner: “Thanks to what we offer, our students can develop knowledge, creativity and innovativeness through to founding their own company.” The TUM Entrepreneurship Center also offers “a range of support services for all phases of foundation: from management training to team building workshops, from consultancy for funding applications to the Executive MBA.”
