London Jun 20. - Jun 21, 2023

MOVE 2023 Mobility Re-Imagined

MOVE ist die wichtigste Mobilitätsveranstaltung der Welt, auf der bahnbrechende Technologien und Innovationen den Wandel vorantreiben.

Automobilhersteller, Verkehrsbetriebe, Technologieunternehmen, Fuhrparks, Energieunternehmen, schnell wachsende Start-ups und politische Entscheidungsträger kommen jedes Jahr zusammen, um die Technologien der nächsten Generation zu entdecken, die auf den Markt gebracht werden.

Invest in Bavaria wird auf dem Bayerischen Gemeinschaftsstand von Bayern International zusammen mit verschiedenen Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Mobilität und Smart City vertreten sein.

Besuchen Sie uns in Halle N2 | Stand 6.

You are kindly invited to the event: 

How to build a strong data ecosystem for resilient and sustainable cities 

The panel discussion will be followed by a reception. 

Wednesday, 21 June, 6pm at 
The Good Hotel London Western Gateway, London E16 1FA, UK 

With the MOVE and InfoSecurity trade fairs being held in London at the same time, we would like to take the opportunity to invite you to a discussion about how data can help us build more resilient, sustainable, and efficient cities. The discussion will reflect on what role public authorities and the private sector could or should play, as well as the importance of gaining support from residents. We will further analyse the technologies and infrastructure needed and how to ensure the safety of those applications. With speakers from the UK and Germany, the potentially different approaches, and lessons to be learned in both countries will also be part of the conversation. We are looking forward to discussing these topics and welcoming you to a reception at the Roof Terrasse of the Good Hotel London to network with German and British companies, authorities, and organisations. 


  • Imperial College London, Centre for Transport Studies, Prof Arnab Majumdar 
  • [ui!] Urban Software Institute, Mr Jason Warwick
  • IT-Security Cluster, Dr Matthias Kampmann

  • City of Munich, Dr Mara Cole 

Moderation: Mr Nicolai Hanisch, Bayern Innovativ Partners: 

To respond please click this link.

Please note that due to limited capacity places will be allocated on a first come first 
serve basis. 

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  • location Location
    Meet us at
    ExCeL, London
  • Your contact at Invest in Bavaria
    Andreas Fischer +49 89 24210-7524
    Katharina Kees +49 89 24210-7506
  • calender Download event as iCal
  • signup Register here
  • language Languages
    Englisch (Großbritannien)

Mobility Re-Imagined | MOVE 2022 London