Sep 19
- Sep 21, 2018
CMD CTRL - Command Control Munich 2018
Command Control visualizes cross-sector integrated cybersecurity and is the interdisciplinary dialog platform for decision-makers from the world of business, politics and administration as well as for experts in Europe. Exciting keynote speeches and panel discussions by international thought leaders, exclusive networking events, cross-sector best-practice workshops and five interactive installations provide the basis for a cross-industry and cross-divisional sectoral exchange and make connections tangible.
Command Control in figures
- 3 event days
- 5 interactive showcases in the theme worlds
- 4 workshop rooms for master classes, barcamps and peer-to-peer meetings
- 120 best practice sessions
- 1 summit configurator for your individual summit agenda
- 1 Command Control opening party, including Fail Talks, Pecha Kucha Night and Security Slam
- 1 great big networking final on the first Oktoberfest Saturday at the Command Control tables in the Schottenhammel tent
More about the theme worlds and online application
Messe München
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