MunichDec 23, 2014

Nuremberg and Munich: Leading growth metropolises in Germany

In a recent study, the American Brookings Institute, together with the renowned US bank JP Morgan Chase, acknowledged the strongest growth metropolises in Germany: Nuremberg and Munich are clearly ahead of the trend in Germany thanks to their above-average development.

According to the published study, Nuremberg and Munich lead the field: Both cities achieved an economic growth of almost two per cent and thus a result that is clearly higher than the German average. The German Federal Government, in its fall forecast, only expects a growth of 1.2 rather than 1.8 per cent. Frankfurt, Cologne-Düsseldorf and Berlin achieve less growth. In general, there is a significant difference between the economic performance among the 14 largest metropolitan regions in Germany.

Rapid expansion
This clear result in the ranking did not surprise experts at all. Nuremberg and Munich have been the fastest growing metropolitan regions in Germany since 2000. Both cities draw their economic strength from the global competitive advantage in the industrial sector. Both Munich and Nuremberg primarily achieved their growth thanks to an increase in the industrial output. Despite all uncertainties in light of the economic development in Germany and the worldwide economic fluctuations, Bavaria's lead in production is and remains a strong economic advantage.
Solidarity for greater cooperation
A delegation from the renowned Brookings Institute visited Bavaria in November as part of the Global Cities Initiative (GCI). The objective was to obtain a first-hand look at the success factors that make Munich and Nuremberg stand out. 

The delegation was welcomed by Munich's Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter and US Ambassador John B. Emerson.

A summary of the results for Munich can be found here.

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