Japan Nov 09, 2015

Industry 4.0 in Germany: The Japanese Perspective

Invest in Bavaria invited the Japanese journalist Toru Kumagai to speak at a business workshop on October 20th on the topic of Industry 4.0. He reported to the over 60 participants about the origin and current developments in the fourth industrial revolution.

No one at Invest in Bavaria expected the Japanese journalist Toru Kumagai to have such charisma! Nearly 70, to a large extent Japanese, visitors came to hear the presentation of the journalist, who is very famous in their home country and who has resided in Germany for over 20 years.

After brief welcoming remarks from Dr. Hübschle, the Head of Invent in Bavaria, the Japanese Consul General, Mr. Yanagi and Ms. Roider from Bavaria's capital Munich, Mr. Kumagi took the stage.

In his presentation with the title “Industry 4.0 – Current Developments. How has the fourth industrial revolution changed Germany's economy?”, Mr. Kumagi reported on the development of the fourth industrial revolution, what characterises it and what objectives it pursues.

Kumagi: “As soon as Germany, as a industrial nation, becomes complacent in its current position, Germany could lose it to the USA.”

Furthermore, he presented various reasons as to why it is so important for Germany to support Industry 4.0. According to Mr. Kumagi, this can ensure the competitiveness of Germany as an industrial location, allowing it to withstand the economic power of the USA and counter the reduction in the workforce.

Kumagi: “But Industry 4.0 is only the beginning of the digitalisation of the economy.”

In the second part of his presentation, Mr. Kumagi assessed the future development of the digitalisation of the economy. For this purpose, he presented the vision "Smart Service World", which is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. In this new form of economy, all “thinking” products, factories and machines are connected to the Internet via a digitalised platform.

Sushi and roast pork

Finally, Mr. Kumagi also took a look at the situation in Japan. Following his presentation, Mr. Kumagi answered questions from the audience, which had followed his talk with tremendous interest, in great detail. After final remarks from the Japan Club Munich – Mitokai, participants of the workshop were able to discuss what they had learned and make new contacts over sushi and roast pork.

Pictures of the event can be found in our media library.

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