NetworkingNov 14, 2014

From Strengths to Strategy – First Business Promotion Workshop in Bamberg

A workshop for Bavarian business promoters organised by Invest in Bavaria took place for the first time in Bamberg on 11th and 12th November 2014. During the two-day event presented by ExperConsult, discussions focused on issues surrounding “Successfully approaching investors: From strengths to strategy”.

By conducting business promotion workshops, Invest in Bavaria is seeking to use a close dialogue with regional business promotion agencies to jointly contribute to elevating the position of Bavaria and its many different regions in the national and international competition between business locations and at the same time further strengthen the professionalism of investor support in Bavaria. The first workshop successfully focused on approaching investors by creating a profile of a location. The first day of the workshop concentrated on identifying one's own strengths and using these findings to derive a strategy concept. Discussions focused on identifying which players must be integrated into the process and which data must be included in the analysis of a location and how large an economic area should be in order to successfully devise and implement a strategy concept. The focus of the second day of the workshop was on the implementation of the identified strengths in a communications concept. Image films presented good and cost-effective implementation examples as well as some that were less successful.

The workshop did not fall short of collegial and personal exchanges among the 17 regional participants and with representatives from Invest in Bavaria, ensuring that every participant took home some profound information and new ideas and suggestions they could incorporate in their future professional activities.

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