Labour forceApr 25, 2016

Bavaria's ITC Companies are Top-Notch Employers

Bavarian companies active in the ITC sector are tops. And not only in terms of their performance, but this can now be said for their reputation as employers as well. During CeBit 2016, the winners of the “Great Place to Work” benchmark study “Best Employers ITC 2016” were honoured – among them a remarkable number of companies from Bavaria.

Every year, the internationally active Great Place to Work research and consulting institute honours Germany's best employers, including those in the ITC sector. During CeBit 2016, the festive awards ceremony for the competition took place in collaboration with the digital sector association BITKOM and the Computerwoche magazine. Numerous companies from Bavaria were among the thrilled award winners; they are exemplary for the flourishing ITC landscape in the state.

Bavaria tops regardless of company size

Company development depends significantly on attracting skilled specialists, retaining them and, of course, supporting their professional development. This applies to a special degree to the ITC sector in which young talents are in great demand. The research institute wants to find out which companies are able to provide their employees “that special something”, thereby motivating them to stay. This information is collected by means of a representative survey among employees, and includes an assessment of human resources measures in the respective companies. 

The employee questionnaire includes key workplace-related issues such as management behaviour, trust and team spirit when working together; appreciation; support for professional development; balancing professional and private life; health promotion; identification with one's work and the company in general and bonding with the company. As part of the culture audit, for example, the areas of advanced training, health promotion offered by the company and integration of new employees were evaluated.

For purposes of clear differentiation, the award winners are determined in five categories based on the size of their company. It seems quite apparent that Bavaria holds an excellent position here. Bavarian companies came in first in four of five categories, and came in second in four categories as well.

Bavarian award winners by company size 

Large companies over more than 1,000 employees in Germany: 

  • 2nd place for software provider Datev from Nuremberg 

Companies with 501 to 1,000 employees:

  • 1st place for network specialist Cisco Systems from Hallbergmoos,

  • 2nd place for storage technology specialist NetApp Deutschland from Kirchheim in the rural district of Munich

Companies with 101 to 500 employees: 

Companies with 50 to 100 employees:

  • 1st place for software company QAware from Munich 

Small companies with 10 to 49 employees: 

All in all, 137 companies with a total of almost 50,000 employees took part in the recent “Best Employer ITC 2016” benchmark competition, thereby voluntarily submitting their workplace culture to closer scrutiny; 25 more than the previous year. 65 companies were awarded the Great Place to Work® seal of quality.

The ITC sector not the only one to distinguish itself

All-in-all, 137 companies with approximately 50,000 employees participated in the competition. The outcome: Bavarian companies outside the ITC sector were also among the best – the sector-independent ranking also includes numerous companies from the state. The companies honoured this year are exemplary for the advantages offered by Bavaria as a location. And other companies searching for young talents benefit from this excellent reputation with which the now-honoured companies represent the location.

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