Award Nov 04, 2016

“O’zapft is” the original on the Bosporus

On October 1, 2016, German-Turkish economy celebrated a spectacular Oktoberfest on the Bosporus for the third time. The event provided Turkish guests with the ideal opportunity to learn more about Bavaria as a business location and establish contacts to Bavarian companies and Turkish companies located in the state.

The German-Turkish Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Istanbul spread the Oktoberfest spirit and presented the strength of the Bavarian economy with help from late summer temperatures, excellent German delicacies, German beer and traditional music and company booths; all under the motto “O'zapft is”.

The “Powerhouse Bavaria” booth provided Turkish companies with the opportunity of receiving first-hand information about the service provided by Invest in Bavaria and have conversations with four Bavarian companies from different sectors in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, it was possible to meet the Turkish company, Natek Bilişim A.Ş., that was honoured at the event with the Newcomer Award for Bavarian and Turkish direct investments. Natek Bilişim A.Ş., a provider of solutions for managing IT security, has had an office in Garching since 2014.

The band flown in from Munich especially for this occasion not only played typical Bavarian folk music but also provided entertainment with their performances such as pressing beer steins.

A diverse menu consisting of selected Bavarian specialities such as Schupfnudeln (a type of potato dumpling) with white cabbage, dumplings, Bavarian roast and red cabbage and apples allowed Turkish guests to evaluate their prejudices towards Bavarian cuisine.

Singing along to Oktoberfest hits loudly and dancing was the perfect ending to the evening.

01 14

Are you also thinking about settling in Bavaria or do you want to learn more about the home of the Oktoberfest? Then contact us.

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