Digital Economy Nov 25, 2016

Industry 4.0 in Bavaria – Ideal conditions for start-ups

Industry 4.0 is no longer an issue for big companies. For even if we discuss innovations in large-scale production processes as part of the next industrial revolution, it is the majority of small enterprises and start-ups that are driving this issue. The development of new technologies, in particular, is a domain of numerous high-tech start-ups who develop solutions free of any and all comprehensive and rigid corporate structures which ultimately make their way into the factories of the future.

A symbiosis between companies and entrepreneurs


This applies to a special degree to Bavaria, which is an outstanding playing field for young entrepreneurs thanks to its high industrial density. Here, the two principal players support one another: start-ups by providing urgently needed solutions; and global players by supporting the entrepreneurs financially and strategically. Numerous examples document how this mutual support drives the success of Bavaria’s entrepreneurs:


ProGlove – Produces a smart glove. The smart glove is designed to support workers in production by indicating, for example, whether the right components are being used or whether work is being carried out properly. The idea goes back to a Hackathon sponsored by Intel; the company also provided the initial funding for the project.


Magazino – Develops the autonomous warehouse. It all started with picking stations for pharmacies. In the meantime, the Munich-based start-up has secured Siemens as a strategic partner. The goal of the young entrepreneurs is developing the world’s first self-thinking and self-acting warehouse with the help from intelligent robotics, to ensure a precise item-specific logistics.


KONUX – No smart factory without sensors. Sensor technology is one of the fundamental building blocks of Industry 4.0. It is the intelligent recording of data that makes increasing productivity possible in the first place. The start-up develops customised sensor solutions for the Internet of Things.


Innovation Centre for Industry 4.0 – Services for the smart factory. Industry does not only involve specific technologies, but also includes consulting and exploring options. The start-up based in Sinzing near Regensburg offers, an exchange portal; the company has already expanded by establishing a subsidiary in Singapore.


Start-ups not only receive support from companies, but also from the wide-ranging funding structures offered by Bavaria – services which are constantly being expanded. For example, the expansion of the business incubators also creates centres that dedicated themselves explicitly to the topic of Industry 4.0. Start-ups that promote digital technologies for smart factories will find exactly what they need in Bamberg, Upper Franconia and Swabia. And as with many entrepreneurs, they also benefit from initiatives such as BayernKapital or UnternehmerTUM, which provide access to financing and networks.

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